Intelligent Management of Autonomous Network Slices Across Multiple Domains (INTERCESSION)


  • Aims to research, design, and experiment with an architecture for the intelligent management of slices of autonomous networks deployed in multiple domains using AI and autonomous computing techniques
  • This architecture will use monitoring techniques capable of measuring metrics in different domains and converging them so that the network slices between operators and their internal segments are maintained autonomously and are configured, optimized, and cured without human intervention
  • Using three research fronts focusing on AI, monitoring and managing network slices, and an experimental approach, the project will start from existing software components and incorporate new methods and techniques developed in these research fronts, contributing to advances in this strategic area.


  • 36 Months (Started February, 2022)


  • CCNPQ - Chamada CNPq/MCTI/FNDCT Nº 18/2021 (Universal 2021) 
  • Agreement 421944/2021


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