Entity Title Architecture (ETArch)
The Entity Title Architecture (ETArch) is a clean slate Future Internet architecture that applies new naming and addressing schemes based on the Title. ETArch vision about netwoking has a natural match with Software Defined Networking (SDN) abstrations
Title is a topology independent designation that ensures an unambiguous identification of an entity
An Entity has communication requirements and capabilities than can be semantically understood from top to bottom layers;
Communication based on the Workspace, a channel gathers multiple entities;
Domain Title Service (DTS) deals with all control aspects of the network and is composed by interconnected Domain Title Service Agents (DTSAs);
DTSA maintain information about registered entities and the workspaces that they are subscribed to, aiming to configure the network devices to implement the workspaces and to allow data to reach every subscribed entity;
Internetworking inside the DTS by using the DTSAs;